Bodhi Salt Yoga Teachers
Dr. Lorri ‘Many Rivers’ Santamaria
Dr. Lorri ‘Many Rivers’ brings to our studio her unique and deeply personal offering of Reiki Nidra Yoga, a synthesis of Hatha Yoga combined with Usui Holy Fire® infusion. Blending ancient, dynamic postures with Reiki healing is a holistic practice that empowers students, no matter what age, ability or background, to come into themselves to recenter and heal. Lorri’s nurturing and joyous energy supports students to live their best lives and be their best selves, in alignment with the full potential of their very existence. Students will bask in the medicinal frequencies of Lorri’s Yoga instruction, sound experience and regenerative Reiki. Expect to leave your mat feeling peaceful, aligned and recalibrated.
Meet Dr. Lorri ‘Many Rivers’, RYT 200:
Tell us about the evolution of your Yoga practice:
“I come from people, mostly Indigenous, who continually inspire me toward unlocking my potential self - to the Highest Greatest Good. Hatha Yoga, guided meditation, breathwork, and Reiki are essential to my body, mind, Spirit - healing, realignment, and recalibration processes. Through a balanced and integrative Yoga practice as lifestyle upgrade, I have learned to honor the past as a better way to a happy, healthy, whole and unconditionally loving future. Today, I am grateful to share my research-supported practice with Bodhi Salt Yoga and the surrounding community, connecting people to Source, Sacred lands (shared and individual), and the Holistic Fire of our Highest Greatest Selves toward our Highest Greatest Good.”
What’s one piece of advice you would share with a student new to Yoga?:
“I would tell them a key phrase from the Bantu people of West Africa: Umuntu umunto nagabuntu. ‘A person is a person because of people.’ The strength of the practice is in the power and commitment of the community. I went into Yoga feeling alone, sick, and isolated. What I have learned is that when I am practicing, I am not alone. I am me, because I am part of the Universal past, present, and future community that we call Yoga.”
Why do you teach Yoga?
“My intention is to be in service to others for the purpose of clearing individual, collective, and shared traumas/suffering. I know that I cannot offer support and guidance when I am not balanced in body, mind, or Spirit. I teach Yoga as an act of continual spontaneous healing of self; while offering the same unconditionally loving opportunity to others.”
Lorri’s favorite inspirational quote:
“When we experience for ourselves, or witness in another person, something that we once believed to be impossible, we are freed in our beliefs to transcend those limitations of our own lives.”
- Gregg Braden