Bodhi Salt Yoga Teachers 


Kelly Jean Anderson

Kelly joins us from Santa Clarita, CA and has been teaching since 2021. Kelly brings a soulful and kind approach to meditation that puts students at ease and sets the space for sacred healing. She supports students from all walks of life to rest in their own awareness and befriend whatever they find. Students will leave feeling reset, balanced, open, heart-centered and grateful.


Meet Kelly Anderson, RYT 200

Tell us about the evolution of your Yoga practice:

“I found meditation, Yoga, and sound healing at the beginning of my recovery journey, about four years ago. It changed everything, opening my heart and helping me learn to forgive myself and let go.”

What’s one piece of advice you would share with a student new to Yoga?:

“You are safe, you are loved and you are guided.”

Why do you teach Yoga?

“I teach meditation and sound healing to share what I have learned. My life prior to learning these sacred healing tools was very difficult. I had created quite a lot of pain for myself and I honestly never thought I would be able to change. I found freedom by learning to treasure the stillness inside. 
If I can do it, everyone else can too : ).”

Kelly’s favorite inspirational quote:

“Maybe if we all looked up at the sky and said, “I love you” every night, we’d learn what love without expectations feels like. Nobody owns the stars.”
- Erin Van Vuren